Title Card to the pilot episode of "The New Adventures of Bancy's Plushies -- changed from old to NEW! |
Here's The Ready-Made Plot on "The New Adventures of Bancy's Plushies", reviving the power and energy of "The Plushies" --
Here's The Plot Summary --
During The Morning of August 2nd, 2014, Toby was furious over Starz Kids & Family that, because the Sony Pictures "superhero family" movie, "Zoom", is scheduled to replace Disney's "Wreck-It Ralph", He attempted revenge against "Danny Phantom" by using the "mistaken morph" scene off of "Identity Crisis" just to laugh at the "Danny Phantom" character but as Toby was trying to "beat up" Sam Manson, an angry-and-disappointed Michael Igafo-Te'o confronts him ("Pest! Pest! Disgrace!") then Toby was Damned to Plush Jail! Later in The Middle of August 2014, Toby, after his days in Plush Jail were over, tried to make it to catch "Wreck-It Ralph" on Starz Kids & Family but failed to make it when "Hotel Transylvania" replaced it! So Bancy, crying over the loss of Starz Networks has a Plan for Michael's 20th Birthday as he dries his tears, this time, in a much more common "Bancy Studio" theme! Then on Tuesday, September 9th, 2014, after the third and final "TV Schedule fail" on Saturday Morning, August 23rd, 2014, The Plush Colony along with Michael's Family (and, yes, their relatives and their friends) finally celebrated Michael's 20th Birthday but at the end, after the guests leave at 7:30 P.M., Michael was Happy to be a FULL-GROWN Adult but as he "teases" himself about Bancy's mistakes, Preston hears this and bits him on the arm and before the "Talking Plushie" Home Movie ends with the credits, Michael says to Preston "I'm Glad I Didn't Show You The 'Wrath' of Peg-Leg Pete!".
This First (2014 Comeback) Episode of "The New Adventures of Bancy's Plushies" was Dedicated to Robin Williams who died on Monday, August 11th, 2014.
Here's The Cast of Plushies --
MICHAEL IGAFO-TE'O and MEL BLANC (1908-1995) as Bancy McMouser II
MICHAEL IGAFO-TE'O and BILL FARMER and TONY POPE (All Credited) and PINTO COLVIG (Uncredited) as Wally McMouser
MICHAEL IGAFO-TE'O (Credited) and PETER SALLIS (Uncredited) as Frank McMouser
MICHAEL IGAFO-TE'O as Percy McMouser
MICHAEL IGAFO-TE'O as Toby Ratwaller
MICHAEL IGAFO-TE'O as Vanellope Von Schweetz (In order to give Vanellope and Michelle female voices as a Plush versions of themselves Michael recorded voiceover a la iMovie then changed the pitch from normal to a "Chip 'n Dale"-esq. voice pitch)
Here's The Cast of Humans --
JACKIE IGAFO-TE'O as Michael's Mom
BILLY "Big Papa" IGAFO-TE'O as Michael's Dad
SEBASTIAN "Bashy" IGAFO-TE'O as Himself
Here's The Production Music Indentification --
- "Hello Ma Baby!" - The Termite Terrace Symphony Orchestra featuring Jeff McCartney [Original 1995 Song Recording] (Title Card)
- "Heavy Affliction" - Cedric King-Palmer (Pre-Credits Opening where Toby gets upset over whatever replaced "Wreck-It Ralph" on Starz Kids & Family then...)
- "Inferno" - Frederick Bayco (..Toby starts ranting!)
- "Drama Link B" - Hubert Clifford (Toby roars at the camera)
- "House of Horrors" - W. Merrick Hanmer ("MUTINY!!!"/Toby is confronted by an angry and disappointed Michael Igafo-Te'o then, after is called a "pest", Toby is DAMNED to Plush Jail!)
- "You're The Top!" - Dean Elliott (Toby and Bancy II tries to catch the Annie Award-winning Disney Animated Feature of 2012 on Starz Kids & Family but later failed to make it as the music stops!)
- "Goodbye Rodney" - Pete Winslow (Bancy was crying over the loss of Starz Network/"What Have I Done?! This Is All My Fault!")
- "Fanfare to The Modern Man - Disney Music Group (just after drying his own tears, Bancy has an idea!)
- "Sleeping Beauty Overture" - George Bruns (Bancy surfs the internet on Michael's MacBook Pro Laptop Computer about 16 Days before Michael's Birthday until...)
- "Drama Link D" - (...Bancy discovers that the "Zenon" trilogy (well, a LIVE-ACTION version of "The Jetsons") replaced Kim Possible on The Disney Channel!)
- "Drama Link K" - Hubert Clifford (Bancy was about to "attack" Judy Jetson but was smacked upside the head by Michael when he heard THIS!)
- "Locked in The Tower" - Joseph S. Dubin (Bancy goes INSANE/"Club Me Again! I Dare You!!)
- "Happy-Go-Lively" - Laurie Johnson (Michael's 20th Birthday Celebration)
- "Chords of Blue" - George Bruns ("Later that Same Night"/Michael is happy to be 20 Years Old until he teases himself about the mistakes Bancy had all August until...)
- "Drama Link D" - Hubert Clifford (...Preston Mouser bites Michael on the arm and says to him in a "Daffy Duck"-esq. voice "You Were Saying Something, Stupid?")
- "You're The Top!" - Dean Elliott ("I'm Glad, I Say, I'm Glad I Didn't Show You The 'Wrath' of Peg-Leg Pete!"/Iris Out with Bob Clampett's signature vocalized "Bay-woop" sound effect)
- "King of Pride Rock" - Hans Zimmer (End Credits)
In Loving Memory of
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